I do this from time to time. I like to tell everyone what I am reading, as if they are sitting on the edges of their seats wondering. Anyway, here is the lengthy list.
I am currently using this resource in my time with the Lord each day. It is an extremely helpful resource that has really (over the last week) energized my study. When I purchased this resource it came with an access code that enables me to use this tool online.
I have also started a journal. I look up the text that I am studying for that day, read over it several times, and then break it down verse by verse reading the study notes that go with each verse.
This is a very useful resource. I would recommend this resource to any person who is serious about study God's Word.
Children's Ministry Leadership by Jim Wideman is a used book that I recently purchased on Amazon. One of my main responsibilities at Ada First is children's ministry. Ironically, this is something that I feel that I am not equipped to do so I decided to get equipped. This resource is surprising me, however. I was expecting many practical tips and resources that could be used to lead children's ministry. I was pleasantly shocked to realize that it has more to do with the leadership potential and structure of the person leading the children's ministry. I am still in the infant stages of reading this book, but I am really getting a lot out of it. This book is yet another resource that I have come into contact with lately that has led me to think about
risks/faith. I am looking forward to getting to some of the nuts and bolts of children's ministry in the later chapters. Great book thus far!
The Millennials by Thom and Jess Rainer is a book about me. No, its not my biography. That will come much later in my life. This is a book about my generation. I downloaded this book for free several months ago to my iBooks app on my iPhone. My budding Curt Holland, Pastor of Adults at the Donelson Fellowship in Nashville, really put me on to this book. I am amazed to read about me. I don't always enjoy reading books on statistics from surveys taken, but this one is good. It is interesting to read things about my generation. What we believe in, what we expect of previous generations, what we want in the workplace and what we want in a host of other things. This is an real eye-opening book. It would do the Baby Boomer Generation to read this book. It would give them great insight. Just ask Curt Holland,
One final book that I am reading is entitled
Fit to Serve Him Longer...and Better. I recently had a Skype conversation with my friend James Evans. I was telling him how the Lord had (and has) been speaking to me about my
physical health. I believe God wants me to be not only spiritually and emotionally healthy, but physically healthy. James sent me this book. I am only in chapter 2, but it is challenging. I look forward to my next Skype conversation with James when we will unpack this book some more.
There you have it. Now your mind can rest easy because you know what I am reading. How about you? What are you reading?