Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Jesus is More Than Qualified...

Have you ever asked yourself this question:  "Why should I listen to Christ?"  What qualifications does Christ have that requires me to listen (not to mention obeying) to a word spoken about Him?  I think this is a valid question.  In the Church we don't like to ask these types of questions, let alone answer them.  Well, I am tired of not asking the hard questions.  I am tired of not asking MYSELF the hard questions about why I believe what I believe.  I think asking ourselves the difficult questions and digging and digging until we find the answer is a Biblical command.  Listen to the words of the Apostle Peter:   
"...but set apart the Messiah as Lord in your hearts, and ALWAYS be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you."
In Hebrews 1, the writer of Hebrews (whomever he may be) begins the process of answering the question stated above.  The writer begins, in verse 1, by telling us how God spoke in the past.  He spoke "to the fathers by the prophets at different times and in different ways."  Then, beginning in verse 2 through the remainder of chapter 1, the writer tells us how God has spoken "in these last days."  The writer states, "He has spoken to us by His Son."  This is extremely important.  God no longer used things like donkeys, bushes, prophets, and plagues to speak to His people.  He is now speaking to us through His very own Son, Jesus Christ.

Again, I ask the question.  "So what?  Why should I listen?"  In verses 2-4, the writer of the book of Hebrews gives us Christ's qualifications that prove His validity.  The writer gives us Christ's "resume" that proves that He is more than qualified for the job.  Let's take a look.  Here is a list of Christ's qualifications:

  1. Appointed by God has the heir of all things-v. 2
  2. Avenue through whom God made the universe-v. 2
  3. Radiance of God's glory-v. 3
  4. Exact expression of God's nature-v. 3
  5. Sustains all things by His powerful word-v. 3
  6. Made purification for sins-v. 3
  7. Sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high-v. 3
  8. Higher in rank than the angels-v. 4
  9. Inherited a name that is superior to the angels-v. 4
Now, I don't know what you're thinking, but to me this is a pretty impressive resume.  Let's face it, however.  It does not matter whether you, me, or anyone else (believer or unbeliever) thinks, this is impressive because God says it is.  I want you to understand something.  This is only the "launching point" to answering this question.  There are several other places in the Bible that will aid one in finding further proof that Jesus is more than qualified.  Let me leave you with these words from the writer of Hebrews:
"We must therefore pay even more attention to what we have HEARD, so that we will not drift away (Hebrews 2:1)."
What does this mean?  We must pay extremely close attention to what Christ is saying.  Christ is speaking to us and we must listen.  Why must we listen?  We must listen so that we don't drift away.  We must listen so that we don't find ourselves in a broken relationship with God.  We must listen so that we don't begin to "crack" the foundation that we have in Christ Jesus.  This is further proof that Jesus is more than qualified.