Paul was in prison, literally. There is some debate as to where he was in prison. More than likely, it was in Rome. Paul was thrown in jail for spreading the gospel. He was put in prison for preaching Christ crucified, risen, and coming again. That is what was going on in Paul's life.
What do we do when life doesn't go "our way"? I guarantee that most of the time we don't do things that help advance the gospel. Sounds crazy doesn't it? Well, that is what happened with Paul and his life circumstances. Paul's imprisonment served to advance the gospel. How did this happen? I am glad you asked.
Despite the fact that Paul was under lock and key, he made sure that everybody who he encountered knew why. Listen to what verse 13 of Philippians 1 says. " has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ." All of the people who were of the special guard of the emperor of Rome knew about why Paul was there. HE WAS THERE BECAUSE OF CHRIST.
When life circumstances catch up with us we don't usually use it as a platform to help advance the gospel and when I say we that includes me. Instead, we complain, go into denial, blame others, etc. The very faith that we proclaim when life circumstance ares good seems to disappear. When others look at our lives when life stinks would see no trace of Christ. However, this is exactly the opposite of what happened when others viewed Paul's life.
"...most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, ARE MUCH MORE BOLD TO SPEAK THE WORD WITHOUT FEAR."--Philippians 1:14
Did you catch it? The example of Paul, when faced with a life threatening situation, actually made speaking up for the cause of Christ easier. I don't know about you, but telling others about Christ and what He has done on their behalf is scary sometimes. Can you imagine doing it knowing that it could cost you your life? Most of us wouldn't do it. We would stay quiet. We would run away and hide. Not Paul. When the Christians in Rome saw Paul's boldness, his example inspired them to be more courageous. Paul's stance actually caused them to be much more bold in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.
There are two different groups of people represented in this section of scripture that we can learn from.
First of all, Paul. Here is a simple fact that we must ask God to help us with. Whether life's circumstances are good or bad, we must speak the good new of Jesus Christ to others.
Second, the Christians watching Paul. We must ask God to help us become more courageous and bold for Him. He might chose to do this by helping us be more aware of people who are speaking for Christ in every situation of their lives.
God do something in my life, whether good or bad, that will help advance the gospel. God help me to be aware of those people around me who are living for Christ in all circumstances of life and use them to inspire me to boldness for you.Blessings!