Two days ago we looked at the first word of a very familiar verse of scripture. It comes from 1 Peter 5:7. The word is "cast."
Here is a quick review of what we learned (at least what I learned).
"Cast" means three things that are all connected. First, it means "to place upon." Second, it means "to throw over. Finally, it means "to bond to." Here is the question, however. What are we going to cast? Glad you asked.
We are going to cast...ALL! All of what? All of your anxiety. Some Bible translations say "cares."
Let me ask you a very blunt question. What worries you? What keeps you awake at night? What do you find yourself thinking about constantly wondering its outcome? These things are what worry you.
Risking persecution, here are mine.
#1: Lost Family and Friends
There are several people that are extremely close to me that need Jesus. Many of them "believe" that God does not even exist. As you can see, this presents a huge problem. I worry about the consequences of their beliefs.
#2: The World
I am very concerned about the world that we live in. We are under attack. As a country, we are considering legalizing things like homosexual marriage. We have doctors who are aborting babies (both unborn & born) by the thousands. Here is where my worry comes. If for some reason the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, decides not to return and my 3 boys make it to age 30, what will this world be like?
#3: Success
Let's be honest, we all want to be successful. No one sets out to be a complete failure. I want to have a successful family. I want to make money. I want to have a large, broad ministry (if you have problems with this, we can talk). Therefore, I worry about success.
I have only named a few of mine, but I think you can see that worry is real. Let me ask you again. What worries you? I have got good news about my worries and your worries.
We need to "place them upon," "throw them over to," and "bond them. We need to take everything that burdens us, worries us, makes us bite are nails over, and cast them. Where you ask? This will be the subject we conquer next.
For now, blessings!