Reading Acts 2 today in my daily Bible time, I simply took some notes. Here is what I came up with.
Acts 2 Thoughts:
1. It is interesting that the devote Jerusalem Jews' first thoughts were not that God was doing something, but that the people were drunk.--vv. 5-13
2. Peter's direct response to their ignorant statements was to preach the Gospel to them.--vv. 13-36
3. After hearing the Gospel, they were convicted and wanted to respond to what they had heard.--v. 37
4. Peter tells them to "repent" & "be baptized." Why? For the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit. It is for anyone God calls to Himself.--vv. 38-39
5. Peter continued preaching. Anyone who received his message accepted it and were baptized. 3,000 people in a day.--v. 40-41
6. The large group of people devoted themselves to three things: 1) the apostles teaching & the fellowship, 2) the breaking of bread together, and 3) praying.--v. 42
7. A fearful type of awe came upon everyone and the apostles did many signs and wonders.--v. 43
8. They were all together & had all things in common. Like : selling their possessions and belongs are giving the money away to those in need, attended church everyday together, ate together everyday in their homes, received their food with glad and generous hearts, and they praised God and had favor with all people. As a result of this, God added daily to their number those being saved.--vv. 44-47
To me, this looks like a great formula for the Church to follow. What do you think?
Note: Sorry if there are errors. Did this on my iPhone.