I am finally reading a book that has been on my shelf forever. Well, not really forever, but you know what I mean. If you are like me, I have several books on my shelf that I purchased or that I was given that I just never got around to reading. Maybe I am the only one who does this. Anyway, I stumbled upon a book that my pastor gave me when I was in upper high school or early college. It is the classic book by Jerry Bridges entitled The Pursuit of Holiness.
While reading the introduction to this book, I discovered something. I discovered that there is a companion study guide with the book. It is not one of those study guides that is in the back of the book. No, it is a study guide that is separate. It is a study guide on THE JUICE!!! I did what any person would do at this point. I jumped up and down like it was Christmas. Are you kidding? I don't jump doing anything. It requires to much energy. I sat down at my desk in my padded chair and found the study guide on amazon and bought it.
Last week I began this study. I timed it out so that when I finished my one year Bible reading, which I finished, I could began this study. I went into this study with the same mindset that you would have. Here we go. Just another Bible study, but God said no. He has proceeded to show me several things in my life that need fixing. He has showed me that holiness is not an option. He showed me that I have a huge part to play in the process of holiness. He showed me that even though I have "died to sin" that it is still there using a guerrilla type warfare to come at me. He has shown me all this and it is only day number 5 of 12. I guess you could say that God is kicking my butt! I don't always like. In fact, I hate it. However, its needed.