Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Reading List...

Here is a list of book that I read in 2014 (if anyone cares): 

"The Red Sea Rules" by Robert J. Morgan
"Deep & Wide" by Andy Stanley
"Crazy Busy" by Kevin DeYoung
"Stop Dating the Church" by Joshua Harris
"Gods at War" by Kyle Idleman
"Just Like Jesus" by Max Lucado
"How Do You Kill 11 Million People" by Andy Andrews
"I Am a Church Member" by Thom Rainer
"City on a Hill" by Philip Ryken
"Replinish"by Lance Witt
"Church + Home" by Mark Holmen
"The Trellis and The Vine" by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne
"The Most Misused Verses in the Bible" by Eric J. Bargerhugg
"Date Your Wife" by Justin Buzzard
"Accidental Pharisees" by Larry Osborne
"Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo
"Ignite" by Nelson Searcy
"Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson
"All In" by Mark Batterson
"On Being a Servant" by Warren Wiersbe
"Tech Savvy Parenting" by Brian Housman
"Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married" by Gary Chapman
"Surviving Culture" by Edward Moody
"Replant" by Mark DeVine and Darrin Patrick
"Outlive Your Life" by Max Lucado
"Too Busy Not to Pray" by Bill Hybels
"Vertical Church" by James MacDonald

Total Pages Read:  4,877

I am looking forward to 2015 and the books that await me.  Blessings!