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During the introduction of the book, the author posed a very thought provoking question regarding belief by those who say they don't. In the paraphrased words of this author, here is the question:
If someone was able to provide you (unbelievers) with enough evidence to prove without a reasonable doubt that all of the claims concerning God were true, would you then believe?
In my estimation, most would not and here is why. I think most individuals who claim unbelief do not really believe in the claim that there is no God. I know that this is not a popular opinion to hold with most skeptics, but it is just that, MY OPINION.
I am not overly concerned if this is offensive to skeptics because it is simply an opinion. Where my opinion becomes offensive is if I move from the realm of opinion to the realm of persecution. But here is reality: Most skeptics don't view this as an opinion. They view it as persecution. One would think that "know-it-all" skeptics would be able to determine the difference between opinion and persecution. The sad reality is that most of the skeptics that I have encounter CANNOT do this.
Here is what I believe at the day of the end. At the end of day, I believe that most skeptics believe that there is a God. They simply don't want to submit to His authority and lordship. Getting back to my initial question, I think most skeptics would say no. They simply don't want to believe.
Here is the journey that I am on as of late. I am on a journey to know what I believe and why. I want to know what scientist say about creation. I want to know about absolute truth. I want to know about the reliability of the Bible and so forth. Don't get me wrong. I believe in all of these things, but I want to go deeper. Faith in God is no excuse for Christians to be stupid. Let's be on a mission together to find out all we can about the great and mighty God that we say that we believe in. Let's give our words some legs. Let's be ready at all times "to give an answer for the hope that is within (1 Peter 3:15).