I never get tired of hearing this song. Let it be a reminder to you today (as it was to me) that God loves you in spite of who you currently are and what you have done. Blessings!!!
Friday, October 26, 2012
"You Love Me Anyway..."
I never get tired of hearing this song. Let it be a reminder to you today (as it was to me) that God loves you in spite of who you currently are and what you have done. Blessings!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Acts 2 Thoughts...
Reading Acts 2 today in my daily Bible time, I simply took some notes. Here is what I came up with.
Acts 2 Thoughts:
1. It is interesting that the devote Jerusalem Jews' first thoughts were not that God was doing something, but that the people were drunk.--vv. 5-13
2. Peter's direct response to their ignorant statements was to preach the Gospel to them.--vv. 13-36
3. After hearing the Gospel, they were convicted and wanted to respond to what they had heard.--v. 37
4. Peter tells them to "repent" & "be baptized." Why? For the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit. It is for anyone God calls to Himself.--vv. 38-39
5. Peter continued preaching. Anyone who received his message accepted it and were baptized. 3,000 people in a day.--v. 40-41
6. The large group of people devoted themselves to three things: 1) the apostles teaching & the fellowship, 2) the breaking of bread together, and 3) praying.--v. 42
7. A fearful type of awe came upon everyone and the apostles did many signs and wonders.--v. 43
8. They were all together & had all things in common. Like : selling their possessions and belongs are giving the money away to those in need, attended church everyday together, ate together everyday in their homes, received their food with glad and generous hearts, and they praised God and had favor with all people. As a result of this, God added daily to their number those being saved.--vv. 44-47
To me, this looks like a great formula for the Church to follow. What do you think?
Note: Sorry if there are errors. Did this on my iPhone.
Acts 2 Thoughts:
1. It is interesting that the devote Jerusalem Jews' first thoughts were not that God was doing something, but that the people were drunk.--vv. 5-13
2. Peter's direct response to their ignorant statements was to preach the Gospel to them.--vv. 13-36
3. After hearing the Gospel, they were convicted and wanted to respond to what they had heard.--v. 37
4. Peter tells them to "repent" & "be baptized." Why? For the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit. It is for anyone God calls to Himself.--vv. 38-39
5. Peter continued preaching. Anyone who received his message accepted it and were baptized. 3,000 people in a day.--v. 40-41
6. The large group of people devoted themselves to three things: 1) the apostles teaching & the fellowship, 2) the breaking of bread together, and 3) praying.--v. 42
7. A fearful type of awe came upon everyone and the apostles did many signs and wonders.--v. 43
8. They were all together & had all things in common. Like : selling their possessions and belongs are giving the money away to those in need, attended church everyday together, ate together everyday in their homes, received their food with glad and generous hearts, and they praised God and had favor with all people. As a result of this, God added daily to their number those being saved.--vv. 44-47
To me, this looks like a great formula for the Church to follow. What do you think?
Note: Sorry if there are errors. Did this on my iPhone.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
In or Out....
I would love for all of you to check out my friend Justin's new blog.
He is launching a program entitled "Faith and Family."
He, through this blog, is going to take us on a 30 day journey of deepening our faith and strengthening our families.
Here is a link to his site. Blessings!
He is launching a program entitled "Faith and Family."
He, through this blog, is going to take us on a 30 day journey of deepening our faith and strengthening our families.
Here is a link to his site. Blessings!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Pity, Touched, Healed...
I love to read about the miracles that Jesus performed. They leave me in awe. For example, reading the words of Mark 1:40-41:
"And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, 'If you will, you can make me clean.' Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, 'I will, be clean.'"
Jesus displayed three actions that we need to display. Jesus displayed three actions that we need to display when being the "salt and light of the earth."
This is extremely difficult sometimes. Often times people put themselves into the situations they are in and we often feel that if we help them get out of it that they won't learn anything. I don't disagree with this. However, Jesus displayed pity on this man who was in need. Pity is defined has having sympathy or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another. Do we have this definition in our dealings with the poor and afflicted in our communities? If we are honest, the answer (most of the time) is no.
It would have been very politically and socially incorrect for Jesus to touch this man. Why? Lepers were considered as outcasts. They were not allowed to mingle with the towns people. They were not allowed to live at home with their families. They were not allowed to touch anybody or anything. They were considered unclean. Leviticus 13 will tell you everything you want to know about this skin disease. Jesus didn't care. He knew that one of the huge needs in this man's healing was that he needed a touch. Jesus didn't care about the social customs. Jesus didn't care about what others would think. He touched this man.
After showing pity and after touching the man, Jesus healed him. Jesus told him that He could make him clean and then He did it. It is important to understand that this wasn't a progressive healing. It was immediate.
Briefly, let's look at some applications.
#1--We must pray that God would give us an eye to see the needs of others and when we do see them, have pity.
#2--We must be willing to get our hands dirty.
#3--We must do everything we can do to heal. What do I mean by this? We must do everything we can to heal the greatest need that people have. What is their greatest need? Their greatest need is to enter into a right relationship with God.
The Fame of Jesus...
I love verse 28 of Mark 1. Read these words and be stirred.
"And at once his [Jesus'] fame spread everywhere throughout
all the surrounding region of Galilee."
Did you catch it? Jesus' fame spread.
Question: What are you doing and/or what is your church doing to spread the fame of Jesus?
I don't have anything else to say about it.
This is something that is haunting me and that I am dealing with.
Let's spread the fame of Jesus. Blessings!
The Message of Jesus Christ...
I just started a reading plan through youversion.com. I am going to be reading the entire New Testament over the next year. This pretty much consists of a chapter a day. At first I thought, "One chapter a day? That is not very much."
However, I am excited for the opportunity to really allow the pages of scripture to soak in. I am excited to not have so much going on in my mind that I can really try and think through what is being taught and think through how it should be applied. We all need to do this more.
My goal in this study is gain a nugget from scripture that I can "chew on" throughout the day, apply its truth to my life, and hopefully (as time allows) share it with others. Below is what I want to share today.
Mark 1:14-15.
John the Baptist has been arrested and Jesus has come to Galilee. Once He arrived in Galilee, He began His preaching ministry. Verse 15 of Mark 1 summarizes for us what Jesus main message was going to be throughout His earthly ministry. Somehow I think this should be our message too. He summarizes His message in 3 statements.
#1--"The time is fulfilled..."
I am thankful for the message of Jesus Christ. May His message become our message. Blessings!
However, I am excited for the opportunity to really allow the pages of scripture to soak in. I am excited to not have so much going on in my mind that I can really try and think through what is being taught and think through how it should be applied. We all need to do this more.
My goal in this study is gain a nugget from scripture that I can "chew on" throughout the day, apply its truth to my life, and hopefully (as time allows) share it with others. Below is what I want to share today.
Mark 1:14-15.
John the Baptist has been arrested and Jesus has come to Galilee. Once He arrived in Galilee, He began His preaching ministry. Verse 15 of Mark 1 summarizes for us what Jesus main message was going to be throughout His earthly ministry. Somehow I think this should be our message too. He summarizes His message in 3 statements.
#1--"The time is fulfilled..."
- The time has come for the old system (the law) to be done away with and a new system (Christ) to be ushered in.
- This symbolizes the beginning of God reconciling all men to Himself.
- The "once and for all" sacrifice has arrived.
- Although it is going to come in stages, it has arrived.
- I feel like that we get sidetracked sometimes from this message.
- This should be grafted into every sermon you and I preach.
I am thankful for the message of Jesus Christ. May His message become our message. Blessings!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
A New Pair Of Jeans....
Today is going to be a huge "ramble." Some of you will not like this very much. I don't like it, but what I am about to say is the truth. Many of us (Big D included) don't want sin out of our lives. I want to have a life where my sin is comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I want God. I want God to transform my life to make it look like Him, but I still want my sin.
Look at it this way. Sin is kind of like a new pair of jeans that you bought at your favorite clothing establishment without trying them on. You get them home and try them on and they are too tight. They are not extremely too tight, but they are tight enough to make you uncomfortable when you wear them. If you are like me at all, you don't like to take things back to the store and exchange them. I'll just put up with the discomfort.
Sin is just like this. We want the comfort of a new pair of jeans that fit just right, but we want it in the new pair of jeans that are too tight. What we should do is take the pair of jeans back to the store and get rid of them. We need to turn them in for a pair that fit perfectly. Do you see the comparison?
We must (daily) exchange our sin for the righteousness of God. We must get rid of the things in our lives that don't fit right. We must not get to the point in our lives where we are okay with wearing things (sin) that are too tight. If this happens, are relationship with God suffers, are relationship with others suffer, and we will suffer. Sometimes it might seem like a hassle to take the clothing back to the store, but in the end there is nothing like a pair of jeans that fit perfectly. At this point I am prepared to make you (and myself) a promise: if you try on the righteousness of God, it will fit. This is the way that God designed it. I must end this post now. I have some jeans in my closet that need to be returned for ones that fit perfectly. Happy repenting.
Look at it this way. Sin is kind of like a new pair of jeans that you bought at your favorite clothing establishment without trying them on. You get them home and try them on and they are too tight. They are not extremely too tight, but they are tight enough to make you uncomfortable when you wear them. If you are like me at all, you don't like to take things back to the store and exchange them. I'll just put up with the discomfort.
Sin is just like this. We want the comfort of a new pair of jeans that fit just right, but we want it in the new pair of jeans that are too tight. What we should do is take the pair of jeans back to the store and get rid of them. We need to turn them in for a pair that fit perfectly. Do you see the comparison?
We must (daily) exchange our sin for the righteousness of God. We must get rid of the things in our lives that don't fit right. We must not get to the point in our lives where we are okay with wearing things (sin) that are too tight. If this happens, are relationship with God suffers, are relationship with others suffer, and we will suffer. Sometimes it might seem like a hassle to take the clothing back to the store, but in the end there is nothing like a pair of jeans that fit perfectly. At this point I am prepared to make you (and myself) a promise: if you try on the righteousness of God, it will fit. This is the way that God designed it. I must end this post now. I have some jeans in my closet that need to be returned for ones that fit perfectly. Happy repenting.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Christ is the Difference...
I don't know about you, but I don't know near enough about the book of Isaiah. Several days ago I was seeking God's guidance about where I needed to turn next in my personal Bible reading/study. For some reason, maybe it is because I don't know enough about it, God directed me to the book of Isaiah. It has been challenging thus far.
My readings for today had me in Isaiah 8, 9, & 10. I want to highlight something God revealed (not in a prophetic way) to me today. If you have a chance, take minute and read over chapter 9.
All done? Great. Here are my thoughts.
I know enough about the book of Isaiah to know that God's people were in some serious trouble with Jehovah. God had given them chance after chance to turn their hearts back to Him. However, much like you and I, they didn't listen. Looking at chapter 8 of Isaiah, God uses Isaiah to warn them of the coming judgment by the Assyrians. He also, in chapter 8, warns Isaiah not to become like all the other people. Then, beginning in chapter 9, God gives us some prophetic words regarding the future that we all are probably failure with.
He tells them in Isaiah 9:1 that this coming judgment isn't going to be like "the gloom of the distressed land...of the former times (HCSB)." This time of destruction is going to be different than anything that has happened before.
Beginning in verse 2 Isaiah lays it all out for us.
"For a CHILD will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders, He will be named WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, ETERNAL FATHER, PRINCE of PEACE. The dominion will be vast and its prosperity will never end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from now on and forever. THE ZEAL OF THE LORD OF HOSTS WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS."--Isaiah 9:6-7 (HCSB)
CHRIST IS THE DIFFERENCE!!!!! Oh, that Christ would be the difference in your life and my life. I want to challenge you to live in the light of this today!!!
My readings for today had me in Isaiah 8, 9, & 10. I want to highlight something God revealed (not in a prophetic way) to me today. If you have a chance, take minute and read over chapter 9.
All done? Great. Here are my thoughts.
I know enough about the book of Isaiah to know that God's people were in some serious trouble with Jehovah. God had given them chance after chance to turn their hearts back to Him. However, much like you and I, they didn't listen. Looking at chapter 8 of Isaiah, God uses Isaiah to warn them of the coming judgment by the Assyrians. He also, in chapter 8, warns Isaiah not to become like all the other people. Then, beginning in chapter 9, God gives us some prophetic words regarding the future that we all are probably failure with.
He tells them in Isaiah 9:1 that this coming judgment isn't going to be like "the gloom of the distressed land...of the former times (HCSB)." This time of destruction is going to be different than anything that has happened before.
Beginning in verse 2 Isaiah lays it all out for us.
- The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.
- On those living in the land of darkness, a light has dawned.
- The nation has been enlarged and increased its joy.
- The people are now rejoicing before You
- God has shattered their burdensome yoke and the rod on their shoulders, and the staff of the oppressors (Assyria)
"For a CHILD will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders, He will be named WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, ETERNAL FATHER, PRINCE of PEACE. The dominion will be vast and its prosperity will never end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from now on and forever. THE ZEAL OF THE LORD OF HOSTS WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS."--Isaiah 9:6-7 (HCSB)
CHRIST IS THE DIFFERENCE!!!!! Oh, that Christ would be the difference in your life and my life. I want to challenge you to live in the light of this today!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
"Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung...
I just finished a very thought provoking book on knowing and doing God's will. The book is entitled "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung. Kevin has some non-traditional views on this subject. I want to share one specifically.
Often times, this is how I was taught, we are instructed that God's will is this magical, unknown phenomena that must be sought after, prayed about, and stressed over. All of those things might be true, but I don't think it has to be this way.
In Matthew 6, Jesus gives us the answer to this "God's Will" issue. We are to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.".
Did you catch the answer? I didn't either at first. The most important thing in following God's will is seeking God's kingdom first. If we strive to consistently live this way, I believe all the other pieces will fall into place.
I would highly recommend this book.
Often times, this is how I was taught, we are instructed that God's will is this magical, unknown phenomena that must be sought after, prayed about, and stressed over. All of those things might be true, but I don't think it has to be this way.
In Matthew 6, Jesus gives us the answer to this "God's Will" issue. We are to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.".
Did you catch the answer? I didn't either at first. The most important thing in following God's will is seeking God's kingdom first. If we strive to consistently live this way, I believe all the other pieces will fall into place.
I would highly recommend this book.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Show Us Christ...
Very powerful song that we will be doing in the near future at Ada First. This is my prayer as a follower of Jesus Christ and as a minister of the gospel. Blessings!
The songs is entitled Show Us Christ by Sovereign Grace Music
God Frustrate Me...
Often times, when reading scripture, I get frustrated with myself. Why? I feel like there is a huge disconnect in what I read and the way that I live it out.
DISCLAIMER: I am not saying all of this so that you will lavish me with praise and empty compliments.
I could give probably endless examples of scriptures that make me feel this way. I won't do that, however. I will only list a few.
Philippians 2:1-17--Having the Mind of Christ
1 John 3:16-18--Live in Action, Not Just Talk
Romans 12:1-21--Be Transformed
Matthew 5-7--Seek First the Kingdom of God
At the same time, I think that I would be little concerned if I read scripture and there was "nothing going on in me." Do you know what I mean? Let me tell you. There have been times in my 19 years of following Jesus that I "doubted" if I was even following Jesus. When these occasions occurred, I would seek counsel. Some of the best advice that I ever received was when I was facing this issue. I was told, "the very fact that you are questioning whether you are following Jesus or not, tells me that you are." Whether you agree with this advice or not is irrelevant. I believe it and hold to it and pass it on to others.
Do you see how this situation applies to my frustration?
I think the very fact that I am frustrated says that God has got my attention. I think if you are honest with who you are in Christ, you will find out one of two things:
#1-You are frustrated and feel like there is a disconnect with what you read in scripture and how you live it out.
#2--You are not frustrated and you need to be frustrated. What I mean is that you aren't reading God's Word and you aren't allowing it to frustrate you and transform you. Make sense? It does.
God frustrate us!!!
DISCLAIMER: I am not saying all of this so that you will lavish me with praise and empty compliments.
I could give probably endless examples of scriptures that make me feel this way. I won't do that, however. I will only list a few.
Philippians 2:1-17--Having the Mind of Christ
1 John 3:16-18--Live in Action, Not Just Talk
Romans 12:1-21--Be Transformed
Matthew 5-7--Seek First the Kingdom of God
At the same time, I think that I would be little concerned if I read scripture and there was "nothing going on in me." Do you know what I mean? Let me tell you. There have been times in my 19 years of following Jesus that I "doubted" if I was even following Jesus. When these occasions occurred, I would seek counsel. Some of the best advice that I ever received was when I was facing this issue. I was told, "the very fact that you are questioning whether you are following Jesus or not, tells me that you are." Whether you agree with this advice or not is irrelevant. I believe it and hold to it and pass it on to others.
Do you see how this situation applies to my frustration?
I think the very fact that I am frustrated says that God has got my attention. I think if you are honest with who you are in Christ, you will find out one of two things:
#1-You are frustrated and feel like there is a disconnect with what you read in scripture and how you live it out.
#2--You are not frustrated and you need to be frustrated. What I mean is that you aren't reading God's Word and you aren't allowing it to frustrate you and transform you. Make sense? It does.
God frustrate us!!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Hold on for the Ride...
I want God to do something "God-like" in me. I know that this sounds selfish, but I don't care. Maybe He should start by removing my selfishness. Maybe He should start with me telling Him what to do. Anyway, this is easier said than done. I say I want God to do something in me, but I don't know if I am going to like the process that I will have to go through to get there. However, Psalm 24:3-6 gives me some insight about what I need to do.
#1--I must have clean hands.
#2--I must have a pure heart.
#3--I must not lift up my soul to what is false.
#4--I must not swear deceitfully.
What will this type of person receive from God? I am glad you asked.
#1--He will receive blessing from the Lord.
#2--He will receive righteousness from the God of his salvation.
#3--He will be part of a generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.
This is profoundly exciting and profoundly disturbing at the same time. I want to "ascend the hill of the Lord." I want to "stand in His holy place."
God, do whatever is necessary to make this true in my life. I will hold on for the ride.
#1--I must have clean hands.
#2--I must have a pure heart.
#3--I must not lift up my soul to what is false.
#4--I must not swear deceitfully.
What will this type of person receive from God? I am glad you asked.
#1--He will receive blessing from the Lord.
#2--He will receive righteousness from the God of his salvation.
#3--He will be part of a generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.
This is profoundly exciting and profoundly disturbing at the same time. I want to "ascend the hill of the Lord." I want to "stand in His holy place."
God, do whatever is necessary to make this true in my life. I will hold on for the ride.
Friday, June 15, 2012
"Help Advance The Gospel..."
What is going on in your life right now? I know. This is may seem like a loaded question. We could probably talk all day over coffee or diet Pepsi and still not exhaust the subject. Do you know what was going on with the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:12? If not, let me clue you in.
Paul was in prison, literally. There is some debate as to where he was in prison. More than likely, it was in Rome. Paul was thrown in jail for spreading the gospel. He was put in prison for preaching Christ crucified, risen, and coming again. That is what was going on in Paul's life.
What do we do when life doesn't go "our way"? I guarantee that most of the time we don't do things that help advance the gospel. Sounds crazy doesn't it? Well, that is what happened with Paul and his life circumstances. Paul's imprisonment served to advance the gospel. How did this happen? I am glad you asked.
Despite the fact that Paul was under lock and key, he made sure that everybody who he encountered knew why. Listen to what verse 13 of Philippians 1 says. "...it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ." All of the people who were of the special guard of the emperor of Rome knew about why Paul was there. HE WAS THERE BECAUSE OF CHRIST.
When life circumstances catch up with us we don't usually use it as a platform to help advance the gospel and when I say we that includes me. Instead, we complain, go into denial, blame others, etc. The very faith that we proclaim when life circumstance ares good seems to disappear. When others look at our lives when life stinks would see no trace of Christ. However, this is exactly the opposite of what happened when others viewed Paul's life.
"...most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, ARE MUCH MORE BOLD TO SPEAK THE WORD WITHOUT FEAR."--Philippians 1:14
Did you catch it? The example of Paul, when faced with a life threatening situation, actually made speaking up for the cause of Christ easier. I don't know about you, but telling others about Christ and what He has done on their behalf is scary sometimes. Can you imagine doing it knowing that it could cost you your life? Most of us wouldn't do it. We would stay quiet. We would run away and hide. Not Paul. When the Christians in Rome saw Paul's boldness, his example inspired them to be more courageous. Paul's stance actually caused them to be much more bold in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.
There are two different groups of people represented in this section of scripture that we can learn from.
First of all, Paul. Here is a simple fact that we must ask God to help us with. Whether life's circumstances are good or bad, we must speak the good new of Jesus Christ to others.
Second, the Christians watching Paul. We must ask God to help us become more courageous and bold for Him. He might chose to do this by helping us be more aware of people who are speaking for Christ in every situation of their lives.
Paul was in prison, literally. There is some debate as to where he was in prison. More than likely, it was in Rome. Paul was thrown in jail for spreading the gospel. He was put in prison for preaching Christ crucified, risen, and coming again. That is what was going on in Paul's life.
What do we do when life doesn't go "our way"? I guarantee that most of the time we don't do things that help advance the gospel. Sounds crazy doesn't it? Well, that is what happened with Paul and his life circumstances. Paul's imprisonment served to advance the gospel. How did this happen? I am glad you asked.
Despite the fact that Paul was under lock and key, he made sure that everybody who he encountered knew why. Listen to what verse 13 of Philippians 1 says. "...it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ." All of the people who were of the special guard of the emperor of Rome knew about why Paul was there. HE WAS THERE BECAUSE OF CHRIST.
When life circumstances catch up with us we don't usually use it as a platform to help advance the gospel and when I say we that includes me. Instead, we complain, go into denial, blame others, etc. The very faith that we proclaim when life circumstance ares good seems to disappear. When others look at our lives when life stinks would see no trace of Christ. However, this is exactly the opposite of what happened when others viewed Paul's life.
"...most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, ARE MUCH MORE BOLD TO SPEAK THE WORD WITHOUT FEAR."--Philippians 1:14
Did you catch it? The example of Paul, when faced with a life threatening situation, actually made speaking up for the cause of Christ easier. I don't know about you, but telling others about Christ and what He has done on their behalf is scary sometimes. Can you imagine doing it knowing that it could cost you your life? Most of us wouldn't do it. We would stay quiet. We would run away and hide. Not Paul. When the Christians in Rome saw Paul's boldness, his example inspired them to be more courageous. Paul's stance actually caused them to be much more bold in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.
There are two different groups of people represented in this section of scripture that we can learn from.
First of all, Paul. Here is a simple fact that we must ask God to help us with. Whether life's circumstances are good or bad, we must speak the good new of Jesus Christ to others.
Second, the Christians watching Paul. We must ask God to help us become more courageous and bold for Him. He might chose to do this by helping us be more aware of people who are speaking for Christ in every situation of their lives.
God do something in my life, whether good or bad, that will help advance the gospel. God help me to be aware of those people around me who are living for Christ in all circumstances of life and use them to inspire me to boldness for you.Blessings!
"I Am Speaking From Experience..."
I am simply blown away. I don't say what I am about to say with a prideful spirit. Please know that! I have chosen to become more faithful in my personal study of scripture. I know what your thinking. You are thinking, "Derek calls himself a christian, but he doesn't personally study scripture?" You are right. I am not always as faithful as I should be with regards to studying scripture. Granted, I study for 3 lessons a week at church, but none of that is specifically geared for my personal walk with Christ. I have got news for you, my friend. YOU DON'T STUDY SCRIPTURE FOR "YOU" LIKE YOU SHOULD EITHER!!! (If you do, well, ignore the "all caps" statement.)
Lately God has been challenging me, kicking me, slapping me, convicting me, breaking me, forming me, and speaking to me from the book of Philippians. I think over the last several weeks I have read the book 5 times or more. I can't get enough of it (remember what I said about being prideful above). I am actually thinking of writing a short book on it (sounds crazy doesn't it?).
When Jennifer and I got married in May of 2005, we recited a section of verses from the book of Philippians at our wedding. I didn't really even think about what I was reciting. I was just wanting the ceremony to be over. I know that sounds harsh, but you know what I mean. Well, at least the men reading this do.
Anyway, God is using that section of verses in my life as of late. As I write this post, it is Friday afternoon and I have little to do. If you are from my church reading this post, ignore that last statement. I decided to get my ESV Study Bible out and begin the process of really tearing the book of Philippians apart. The following information in this post is where I have stopped and camped out today.
Here is what Philippians 1:9-11 says, "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."
Let's break this down some.
I want to challenge you to read and study scripture. If you are anything like me, and I think you are, you are not as faithful to scripture as you once were or as you "once said or tricked yourself into thinking" you were. Blessing to you and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in your life once you decide to devote yourself to His Word. He will do something in you. Trust me. I am speaking from experience.
Lately God has been challenging me, kicking me, slapping me, convicting me, breaking me, forming me, and speaking to me from the book of Philippians. I think over the last several weeks I have read the book 5 times or more. I can't get enough of it (remember what I said about being prideful above). I am actually thinking of writing a short book on it (sounds crazy doesn't it?).
When Jennifer and I got married in May of 2005, we recited a section of verses from the book of Philippians at our wedding. I didn't really even think about what I was reciting. I was just wanting the ceremony to be over. I know that sounds harsh, but you know what I mean. Well, at least the men reading this do.
Anyway, God is using that section of verses in my life as of late. As I write this post, it is Friday afternoon and I have little to do. If you are from my church reading this post, ignore that last statement. I decided to get my ESV Study Bible out and begin the process of really tearing the book of Philippians apart. The following information in this post is where I have stopped and camped out today.
Here is what Philippians 1:9-11 says, "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."
Let's break this down some.
- It is my prayer.
- What is my prayer?
- That love may abound more and more.
- How?
- With knowledge
- With all discernment
- Why?
- So that I can approve what is excellent.
- So that I can be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.
- So that I can be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Christ
I desire that my love for God and for others would continually, day after day, increase. That I would couple love with knowledge (wisdom) and discernment (good judgment). Why do I want to do this? Great question. I want to do this so that I can approve and practice those things that are excellent in the eyes of God. I want to do this so that when Christ returns He will find a joyful obedience in me. I want to do this so that I can be filled with all those things that come from being a righteous person, knowing that those things only come through Christ. The main reason that I want to do this is so that my God would be glorified and praised.
I want to challenge you to read and study scripture. If you are anything like me, and I think you are, you are not as faithful to scripture as you once were or as you "once said or tricked yourself into thinking" you were. Blessing to you and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in your life once you decide to devote yourself to His Word. He will do something in you. Trust me. I am speaking from experience.
Qualifications for Overseers...
Every so often I like to revisit what the Bible has to stay about what qualifies someone to be a pastor (overseer). Today, in my personal Bible reading time, I came to 1 Timothy 3. This is the main passage in scripture where we find the qualifications. Let's take a brief overview of these qualifications.
If you are not a pastor, pray that your pastor would be defined by these qualifications. Also, hold them accountable to them.
"To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever (ages to ages). Amen."
- An overseer must be:
- Above reproach
- The husband of one wife
- Sober-minded
- Self-controlled
- Respectable
- Hospitable
- Able to teach
- Not a drunkard
- Not violent but gentle
- Not quarrelsome
- Not a lover of money
- He must manage his own household well
- With all dignity keeping his children submissive
- Why? (For #12 & #13)
- If someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?
- He must not be a recent convert
- Why?
- He may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil.
- He must be well thought of by outsiders
- Why?
- So that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.
If you are not a pastor, pray that your pastor would be defined by these qualifications. Also, hold them accountable to them.
"To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever (ages to ages). Amen."
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Just a Reminder...
Just a reminder of a few things from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22.
- Respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work.
- Be at peace among yourselves.
- Admonish the idle (disorderly or undisciplined)
- Encourage the fainthearted
- Help the weak
- Be patient with them all.
- See that no one repays anyone evil for evil
- Always seek to do good to one another and to everyone
- Rejoice always
- Pray without ceasing
- Give thanks in all circumstances
- This is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
- Don't quench the Spirit.
- Don't despise prophecies
- Test everything
- Hold fast what is good
- Abstain from every form of evil.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Philippians 3...
Let God's Word soak in today! Blessings!
- Look out for...--v. 2
- Dogs
- Evildoers
- Those who mutilate the flesh
- We are circumcision...--vv. 3-9
- Who worship by the Spirit of God
- Who glory in Christ Jesus
- Who put no confidence in the flesh
- Paul has reason for confidence in the flesh.
- If anyone thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh, Paul has more.
- Circumcised on the 8th day
- Of the people of Israel
- Of the tribe of Benjamin
- A Hebrew of Hebrews
- As to the law, a Pharisee
- As to zeal
- A persecutor of the church
- As to righteousness under the law
- Blameless
- Paul counts it all as nothing.
- "But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ."
- "I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
- "For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which come through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith."
- Paul wants to become like Christ.--vv. 10-11
- That I (Paul) may know Him.
- The power of his resurrection.
- Share his sufferings.
- Becoming like him in his death.
- That by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Listen (read) to "all" the times the word "all" is used in Psalm 145.
- The Lord is good to "all."
- His mercy is over "all."
- "All" you works shall give thanks to you, O Lord.
- "All your saints shall bless you!
- Your dominion endures throughout "all" generations.
- The Lord upholds "all" who are falling.
- The Lord raises up "all" who are bowed down.
- The eyes of "all" look to you.
- The Lord is righteous in "all" his ways.
- The Lord is kind in "all" his works.
- The Lord is near to "all" who call on him, to "all" who call on him in truth.
- The Lord preserves "all" who love him.
- "All" the wicked he will destroy.
- Let "all" flesh bless his holy name forever and ever.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Ephesians 2...
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Verses 1-3 of Ephesians 2 gives one a clear picture of what we were like before Christ. We were:
- Dead in trespasses and sins
- Followed the course of this world
- Followed the prince of the power of the air
- The spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience
- Among who we all once lived in the passions of our flesh
- Carrying out the desires of the body and the mind
- Children of wrath like the rest of mankind
Verses 4-10 of Ephesians 2 speaks for itself as does the rest of scripture. Read the words of Paul as he tells us what God did to remedy this hopeless situation we found ourselves in. ENJOY!!!
But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved--and raised up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing: IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.--Ephesians 2:4-10 (ESV)May we continually live in the light of verse 4-10. May we never forget what we once were. May we never forget what God has done.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
5 Words on The Word...
I am beginning the process of preparing for two youth camps that I will be speaking at this summer. When one is given the opportunity to speak, in my opinion, it is hard to narrow down what needs to be said.
Today in my office I was thinking to myself, "What are some things that as a teen I wish I would have known that I know now?" That is a very good question and I think that I have come up with at least one good answer.
I wish I would have known how important the Word of God is.
Someone probably told me, but I didn't listen.
Hebrews 4:12 (ESV) says this, For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Let's break it down using a mathematical equation that I think makes sense.
= (IS)
(than any two-edged sword)
(to the dividing of soul and of spirit)
(to the dividing of joints and of marrow)
(the thoughts and intentions of the heart)
I think now we can see why the word of God is so important. Look for this message to be spoken LOUDLY at a youth camp near you this summer. Today's teens need to hear this and we need to tell them.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Psalm 100...
On this Easter Sunday 2012, I have been reading and thinking about Psalm 100. Here are my thoughts.
We are given 6 verbs/commands that we are to follow.
-We are to:
We are given 6 verbs/commands that we are to follow.
-We are to:
- Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
- Worship the Lord with gladness.
- Come before Him with joyful songs.
- Know that the Lord is God.
- HE who made us.
- We are HIS.
- We are HIS people.
- The sheep of HIS pasture.
- Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
- Give thanks to Him.
- Praise His name.
- For the Lord is good.
- His love endures forever.
- His faithfulness continues through all generations.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Get Into The Good Book...
I read Turning Points magazine by Dr. David Jeremiah each month. I have found that each issue contains several articles with practical insights to help on the journey. I was reading an article today about becoming a more devoted person when it comes to reading the scripture daily. Dr. Jeremiah lists 10 reasons why we should read "the Good Book." I want to share those with you today.
I hope these truths will inspire you to drive into the Word today. God Bless!!!
The following information was taken from:
Turning Points Magazine and Devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah
Article Title: Get Into A Good Book: Be A Bible Student--Pages 16-19
- The Bible will reveal who you are (Hebrews 4:12) and who you need to become (2 Timothy 3:16).
- The Bible is the most trustworthy book on earth, written not by men alone but by God through human authors (2 Peter 1:20-21).
- The Bible will provide guidance for your daily life (Psalm 119:105).
- The Bible will keep you from sinning (Psalm 119:11).
- The Bible can create faith in your heart to meet a specific need (Romans 10:17).
- The Bible can lead us to salvation in Christ (2 Timothy 3:15).
- The Bible is an offensive weapon against the lies of Satan (Ephesians 6:17).
- The Bible always accomplishes the purposes for which it was given (Isaiah 55:11).
- The Bible's truths will endure forever (Isaiah 40:8).
- The Bible's truths are perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true, and righteous (Psalm 19:7-9).
I hope these truths will inspire you to drive into the Word today. God Bless!!!
The following information was taken from:
Turning Points Magazine and Devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah
Article Title: Get Into A Good Book: Be A Bible Student--Pages 16-19
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
For Me Today...
I was reading Psalm 32 this morning. It was for me. Ask God to allow these words to infiltrate your heart today. They are for you too.
Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the LORD has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honesty! When I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted away, and I groaned all day long. Day and night your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat. Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, "I will confess my rebellion to the LORD." And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone. Therefore, let all the godly pray to you while there is still time, that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment. For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway of your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control." Many sorrows come to the wicked, but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the LORD. So rejoice in the LORD and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!------Psalm 32 (New Living Translation)God Bless!!!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Francis Chan...
Challenge video that I pray stirs your heart and mind to the point of reflection and change. God Bless!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
One Thing You Still Lack...
While reading from Luke 18 this morning, there were some words of Christ that jumped off the page to at me. It was kind of scary. I hope the same thing happens to you.
Christ is having a conversation with "The Rich Ruler." They are going back and forth about what someone must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus says, "You know the commandments: do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother." The rulers response is surprising to me. He looks at God in the flesh and says, "All these I have kept from my youth." Wow!!! This is a pretty bold statement. It must have been true because Jesus doesn't challenge his statement. However, the way that Jesus did response impacted this man (and Derek) to the core of who he was.
One Thing You Still Lack...
Even though he may have kept all the things that Jesus listed there was still one thing that was missing in this man's life and I will go out on a limb and say that it is missing from must of our lives as well.
How is this possible? Great question. This is the same question that those who heard Christ say it had and the response of Jesus gives us the secret. Jesus said, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." I hope you will claim this verse as your own today. I hope you understand what this means. If we will give it all to God, its possible.
God Bless!!!
Christ is having a conversation with "The Rich Ruler." They are going back and forth about what someone must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus says, "You know the commandments: do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother." The rulers response is surprising to me. He looks at God in the flesh and says, "All these I have kept from my youth." Wow!!! This is a pretty bold statement. It must have been true because Jesus doesn't challenge his statement. However, the way that Jesus did response impacted this man (and Derek) to the core of who he was.
One Thing You Still Lack...
Even though he may have kept all the things that Jesus listed there was still one thing that was missing in this man's life and I will go out on a limb and say that it is missing from must of our lives as well.
- "Sell all that you have."
- "Distribute to the poor."
- "Have treasure in heaven."
- "Come, follow me."
How is this possible? Great question. This is the same question that those who heard Christ say it had and the response of Jesus gives us the secret. Jesus said, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." I hope you will claim this verse as your own today. I hope you understand what this means. If we will give it all to God, its possible.
God Bless!!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
May the Lord...
May the Lord...
-answer you in the day of trouble
-of Jacob protect you
-send you help from the sanctuary
-give you support from Zion
-remember all our offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices
-grant you your heart's desire
-fulfill all your plans
Taken from Psalm 20:1-4 (ESV)
-answer you in the day of trouble
-of Jacob protect you
-send you help from the sanctuary
-give you support from Zion
-remember all our offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices
-grant you your heart's desire
-fulfill all your plans
Taken from Psalm 20:1-4 (ESV)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Psalm 11
Lord, I pray that you would allow the words of this psalm to speak to hearts today.
"I trust in the LORD for protection. So why do you say to me, "Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety! The wicked are stringing their bows and fitting their arrows on the bowstrings. They shoot from the shadows at those whose hearts are right. The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do?" But the LORD is in his holy Temple; the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. The LORD examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence. He will rain down blazing coals and burning sulfur on the wicked, punishing them with scorching winds. For the righteous LORD love justice. The virtuous will see his face."God bless!!!
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