Friday, September 30, 2011

Video Friday: "God Chisels"

This will challenge you to your core.  Allow God to use this video to speak to your heart today.  God Bless!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Its Time to Shed Some Pounds

If you are like me, I have started diets thousands of times.  I will do well for several days or maybe even several weeks and then it happens.  Something comes up in everyday life that derails me.  Things like holidays, vacations, laziness, no self-discipline, and you get the picture.  I am going to admit something to the thousands of readers (more like 10) that read this blog.  I don't feel good. 

I don't mean that I am getting sick.  I already am.  I am sick with the "disease" of touch much weight.  My knees, arteries, feet, legs, heart, and other organs are telling me so.  Not to mention that I am not near as active as I need to be in my church, my job, and (most important) my family.  So here is the skinny (no pun intended):

I am going to change my life by losing weight.

I need your help.  I need some accountability.  I need some direction.  I need some yelling at me respectfully.  I need some understanding.  I don't need to sit in front of the TV and watch NBC's The Biggest Loser and eat a bag of cookies and down a 2-liter of Diet Pepsi.  
I would love to know what has works/worked for you and what didn't.  I am currently a member of Weight Watchers and I really like the program that they offer for me.  I am planning to stay and continue that program.  It has worked for me in the past.  

Most of all, pray with me about this issue.  I know that it seems funny, but I am serious about this. I desire to view food as a fuel for my body, not entertainment.  I desire to be healthier, not skinny.  I want to be a better husband, dad, pastor, and person.  One way to help the process in becoming those things is to begin changing my life by losing weight.  How much?  I don't know.  

God, forgive me for my obesity.  I am turning this area of my life over to You.  It should have been yours to begin with.  Help me on this journey to view food as a fuel for me.  Give me self-control and self-discipline.  Help me to encourage others and for them to encourage me when its hard.  Thank you so much for this opportunity to change my life.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

See You at the Pole 2011 Edition

Today was one of the first times in my life that I got to play an active, yet behind the scenes role in planning a "See You at the Pole" event.  I never went when I was in high school for several reasons that I won't go into.  I learned several things today, however, that I would like to share.

Students want to be involved in something bigger than themselves.
  • My wife, Jennifer, and I are privileged to be the sponsors for the Byng High School FCA.  This is where she teaches.  At our last meeting we hammered out all the details for what See You at the Pole would look like.  I guess I was expecting to have to do all the work.  After all, I am the trained one.  I was surprised.  I really just served as a moderator and the students made it their own.  This is the way that it is supposed to be.  Students want to be involved.  They want to make a difference.  They want to latch onto something bigger than themselves.  They want a deep and meaningful relationship with Christ and others.
There are tons of people that need to know about the love of Christ.
  • I know what you are thinking.  Captain Obvious!!!  I was reminded of this.  Are speaker challenged us to think of one person that we know that needs to know about the love of Christ and the difference that He has made in our lives.  I did what was asked and thought of my "one."  You know what?  Everyone else did too.  On the count of 3 we all said the name of our "one" out loud.  Byng, Oklahoma echoed with the names of people that need Jesus.  Let us be challenged to do our job to help fulfill the Great Commission.  
I love student ministry.
  • I was reminded once again today that I love students.  I love their raw, rough-edged, personalities.  I  love their dedication to something they believe.  Adults should learn this lesson.  I love their encouragement to one another.  I love their loyalty to their school and their passions to make their schools better.
Here is a sampling of pictures taken by yours truly this morning at the Byng High School and Junior High School See You at the Pole.

 Justin Presley challenging the crowd to follow Jesus and to share Him with others.
 Two students leading the crowd in worship.
 One side of the crowd.
 "Our God" by Chris Tomlin
Students engaged in worship.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Introducing "Video Fridays"

Well, its Friday.  We all have hopefully made it through another week.  It is my goal on Fridays to share some kind of video with you.  Let's call it "Video Fridays."  That sounds original.  Let's take a quick look at what next week is bringing my way.

Wednesday afternoon, I will be leaving Ada and making the 3 hour trip south to Dallas.  I am stoked for several reasons. 
  1. My "MIL"(mother in-law) is flying in to stay with the children so that my amazing wife Jennifer can go with me.
  2. I get to spend two whole days with my bride.  
  3. It is the annual (3rd year) D6 Conference.  
Here is a short video previewing this year's conference theme.  I hope you enjoy and I hope that it inspires you in some way.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

He Calls Me Friend...

I don't know about you, but I don't have many people that I would consider "best friends."  Don't get me wrong, I am not someone who is all alone.  I have several (hundreds) of people that I would consider "friends."  I think this is probably a true statement for most people.

During you teen class Bible study on Sunday mornings, we are studying Proverbs.  This Sunday, September 18, we will be walking through and unpacking some key scriptures from Proverbs 18.  I know that most of you don't care about all this info., but I had to tell you all of that to get to this.  Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man of many companions may come to ruin..."
At first glance, this verse seems pretty depressing.  I am "a man of many companions."  Based on that fact, this verse tells me that I might "come to ruin."  What depressing news.  Despite the fact that I might have many people there to surround me and support me, I might get destroyed.   I might get wiped out.  This is not good news.  The verse doesn't stop there.  "...but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."  This is great news.

Friends may fail me and leave me.  Friends may turn their backs on me and put a knife in mine.  Friends may not be there when I need them or want them.  Friends may choose some other person to befriend or hang with.  Friends may say "forget you."  Not this friend.  He sticks closer than a brother.  He calms the storm with his words and gives a promise of making it safely to the other side.  He forgives me after knowing all my failures.  He accepts me for who I am, but loves me too much to leave me that way.  He died so that I could live.  There are not many people in my life who would do all those things for me.  I am so glad he calls me "friend."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When Its Not Spelled Out...

Today in my reading in the Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges, I came across something that I would like to share with you and since this is my blog, I decided that I will share them whether you like it or not (LOL).

Today's chapter was discussing on how to put sin to death.  The author said that one of the best ways to deal with sin that trips us up so often is to see what scripture as to say about that certain sin.  However, he brought up the point that there are certain things that scripture does not spell out for us that people, including me, struggle with. 

Mr. Bridges poses this question.  "...what about issues that are not specifically mentioned in the Scriptures--how do we determine God's will and develop conviction in those areas?"  What I love about this question is that he gives somewhat of an answer.  He gives a formula to consider when dealing with this issue.

"Everything is permissible for me'--but not everything is beneficial" (1 Corinthians 6:12). 
  • Question #1--Is it helpful--physically, spiritually, and mentally?
"Everything is permissible for me'--but I will not be mastered by anything" (1 Corinthians 6:12).
  • Question #2--Does it bring me under it power?
"Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall" (1 Corinthians 8:13).
  • Question #3--Does it hurt others?
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"
(1 Corinthians 10:31)
  • Question #4--Does it glorify God?
I would like to challenge you the next time that you are dealing with a situation where the Bible is "silent," to consider this formula for determining whether its God's will or not.

It would be a lot easier sometimes if it was all spelled out.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Hate It When God Kicks My Butt!!!

I am finally reading a book that has been on my shelf forever.  Well, not really forever, but you know what I mean.  If you are like me, I have several books on my shelf that I purchased or that I was given that I just never got around to reading.  Maybe I am the only one who does this.  Anyway, I stumbled upon a book that my pastor gave me when I was in upper high school or early college.  It is the classic book by Jerry Bridges entitled The Pursuit of Holiness.

While reading the introduction to this book, I discovered something.  I discovered that there is a companion study guide with the book.  It is not one of those study guides that is in the back of the book.  No, it is a study guide that is separate.  It is a study guide on THE JUICE!!!  I did what any person would do at this point.  I jumped up and down like it was Christmas.  Are you kidding?  I don't jump doing anything.  It requires to much energy.  I sat down at my desk in my padded chair and found the study guide on amazon and bought it.

Last week I began this study.  I timed it out so that when I finished my one year Bible reading, which I finished, I could began this study.  I went into this study with the same mindset that you would have.  Here we go.  Just another Bible study, but God said no.  He has proceeded to show me several things in my life that need fixing.  He has showed me that holiness is not an option.  He showed me that I have a huge part to play in the process of holiness.  He showed me that even though I have "died to sin" that it is still there using a guerrilla type warfare to come at me.  He has shown me all this and it is only day number 5 of 12.  I guess you could say that God is kicking my butt!  I don't always like.  In fact, I hate it.  However, its needed.