Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Show Us Christ...

Very powerful song that we will be doing in the near future at Ada First.  This is my prayer as a follower of Jesus Christ and as a minister of the gospel.  Blessings!

The songs is entitled Show Us Christ by Sovereign Grace Music

God Frustrate Me...

Often times, when reading scripture, I get frustrated with myself.  Why?  I feel like there is a huge disconnect in what I read and the way that I live it out. 

DISCLAIMER:  I am not saying all of this so that you will lavish me with praise and empty compliments. 

I could give probably endless examples of scriptures that make me feel this way.  I won't do that, however.  I will only list a few.

Philippians 2:1-17--Having the Mind of Christ
1 John 3:16-18--Live in Action, Not Just Talk
Romans 12:1-21--Be Transformed
Matthew 5-7--Seek First the Kingdom of God

At the same time, I think that I would be little concerned if I read scripture and there was "nothing going on in me."  Do you know what I mean?  Let me tell you.  There have been times in my 19 years of following Jesus that I "doubted" if I was even following Jesus.  When these occasions occurred, I would seek counsel.  Some of the best advice that I ever received was when I was facing this issue.  I was told, "the very fact that you are questioning whether you are following Jesus or not, tells me that you are."  Whether you agree with this advice or not is irrelevant.  I believe it and hold to it and pass it on to others. 

Do you see how this situation applies to my frustration?

I think the very fact that I am frustrated says that God has got my attention.  I think if you are honest with who you are in Christ, you will find out one of two things:

#1-You are frustrated and feel like there is a disconnect with what you read in scripture and how you live it out.
#2--You are not frustrated and you need to be frustrated.  What I mean is that you aren't reading God's Word and you aren't allowing it to frustrate you and transform you.  Make sense?  It does.

God frustrate us!!!