Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Response to "Heaven is for Real"

I am not one that loves to stir up controversy, but in this particular blog post the "pot might get stirred."  There has recently been a huge whirlwind of press surrounding the book, and the movie by the same name, Heaven is for Real.

I will admit something upfront in this post:  I have NOT read the book or seen the movie.  However, I do think that one can look at the premise of a book/movie (i.e., read about its main themes, storyline, etc.) and filter that information through what Scripture teaches and come to a conclusion. 

Fortunately, there are other out there in "media land" who have already done this.  I am not going to take the time here to re-hash what they have already done for us.  With that said, I am going to leave you with several links to several articles that were produced by Dr. John MacArthur and Grace to You.

I will advice you on something:  please read these articles with an open-mind and an open-heart.  Put your preconceived ideas about the book/movie aside and listen to what God has already told us about such things in His Word.  At the end of the day, what God has already told us in His Word trumps what any other book or movie might have to say.  I hope that you genuinely believe that last statement.

Without any further commentary from me, here are the links.

The Burpo-Malarkey Doctrine by Phil Johnson (October 2012)

Heaven is Real; Hallucinations Are Not by John MacArthur (April 2014)

Dead Men Tell No Tale by John MacArthur (April 2014)

When Preschoolers Speak Ex Cathedra by John MacArthur (May 2014)

The Idolatry of Experience by John MacArthur (May 2014)

Without being a raving crazy person, fill free to comment on this post and let me know what you think.