Tuesday, September 3, 2013

6 Don't Statements...

I love the "practical application" that the book of Proverbs has to offer the reader.  I received some good advice from a pastor friend of mine several years ago concerning the book of Proverbs.  This is what my friend told me and it is advice that I would offer (free of charge!) to you as well. 

As you might know, the book of Proverbs has 31 chapters.  My friend told me that part of his morning routine in spending time with God is to read a proverb a day.  If the month has only 30 days, then on the last day you read 2.  If the month has 28 days (thanks February for messing up the system) then figure it out yourself. 

Anyway, every so often I will do a 31 day study of the book of Proverbs.  I just began this journey again on Sunday, September 1.  Today is Tuesday, September 3.  If you have not read Proverbs 3 in awhile, I would encourage you to do so today.  It is chalked full of rich nuggets of scriptural truth for today.  I am not going to unpack the entire chapter today for you, but I would like to let draw you into a portion of it.

In Proverbs 3:25-32 there are 6 "don't" statements (if you are reading from the ESV).  Listen to these truths and apply the word of the Lord to your life.

#1:  Don't Be Afraid...
What are we to not be afraid of?  The writer tells us.  We are not to be afraid of sudden terror or of the "storm" of the wicked when they come.
Why can we not be afraid in these circumstances?  Well, scripture says that "the Lord will be our confidence."  "The Lord will keep our feet from being caught."

#2:  Don't Withhold Good...
We are not to withhold good from those people to whom goodness is due.    We are not to do this especially when it is in our power to control the situation.

#3:  Don't Say...
Don't say to a neighbor, "Go, and come again tomorrow I will give it."  Why would we do this when we have it with us at the present time?

#4:  Don't Plan Evil...
We are not to plan evil against our neighbors.  This is speaking of those people who live (dwell) trusting beside us.

#5:  Don't Contend...
We are not to contend with a man for no reason.  Don't be unnecessarily contentious.   This is true especially when the person has done you no harm at all. 

#6:  Don't Envy...
We are to envy those people who do violence.  We are not to choose any of their ways.  Why is this the case?  The devious person is an abomination to the Lord.  On the other hand, the upright are in His confidence.